Picture Power Picture Projects
Photography by Scott Umstattd

After the shutter closes, everything becomes a myth. Only the photography holds reality

Documentary photography provides a never ending opportunity demonstrate the events, icons and moments that surround us each day. From the mundane to the insane our world is never the same. The passing of time disengages us from reality. Photography provides a connection to past lives and the past in general.

As an assignment photographer, I've had many opportunities to see other sides of life that are distant from my own. From visiting slums in India, China or South Africa to the beautiful streets of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico or the amazing Lake Atitlan in Guatemala I try, with my photography, to be as real as the people and places I visit with my simple 2X3 rectangular outlook on life.

The stories here serve to share some of my photography along with my experiences. And maybe more importantly, they help me to remember. These pictures and stories help me stray away the myths of my own existence.


About Scott and Picture Power

A Colorful Reminder of Past Lives

Personalities emerge from a cemetery in Panajachel, Guatemala shining a light on loved ones lives and the memories their surviving friends and family have for those who have passed on.

A Shared Connection to Past Lives

Semana Santa (Holy Week) serves for many as an annual reminder of the power that one person can have on history. While visiting Antigua, Guatemala in 2013 I was fortunate enough to witness these events up close. 

A Classic Car In A Classy Town

The VW Beetle is the most iconic and recognizable car ever produced. Owners have no problem recreating this masterpiece to fit their own unique style. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico is as unique as these classic cars. 

Lucha Libre In Mexico

Lucha Libre is a Mexican/Spanish form of wrestling derived from Greco Roman wrestling. Many of the attributes common to American wrestling come from the Lucha Libre style. 

Civil War Mock Battles - Andersonville, GA

Every year the hamlet of Andersonville, GA hosts Civil War mock battles. Hosted within earshot of the United States National Prisoner of War Museum, Andersonville gained recognition during the Civil War as one of the most brutal prison camps.

Hurricane Sandy Recovery - Habitat for Humanity

In October of 2012, the Eastern seaboard of the United States was hit by Superstorm Sandy. Habitat for Humanity responded in force just two months after with its first ever Mobile Response Unit delivering volunteers, vans and tools to begin rebuilding lives and communities.

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