My Most Powerful Picture

By Celena Beech

My Most Powerful Picture: I wouldn't describe many of my images as powerful, they usually focus on little details which I like to capture that I think other people might have overlooked. This could be anything from how the light falls on an object, creates shadows or simply an object or scenario which I find interesting or amusing. 

My Most Powerful Picture | Celena Beech

Photo Credit: Celena Beech

The image I have chosen as my most powerful image however is this. Taken at Mudchute Farm in East London, it shows a view from the farm to the City behind, in particular the financial section of the city. It shows interesting contrasts. The simplicity of nature against the complexity of the man made. The financial security of the city against the undulating financial security for farmers who's livelihoods can be much less stable.

The natural colours against the man made colours, the angular structures against the rounded hills. For me it is more of a personal story, of my rural background and my partners more urban background, of the balance of the different but equally beautiful environments we are each comfortable in and how we could reach a compromise to have a future together. 

Celena Beech

Celena Beech is a professional photographer based in the United Kingdom. Follow her work:

Twitter - @CelenaBeech

Facebook - Celena Beech Photography

Website - Celena Beech Photography

My Most Powerful Picture - About This Series

For photographers, reviewing, editing and critiquing their own work can be one of the most difficult and mind wrenching parts of the job. Photographers understand everything about their pictures. And that often means that photographers may like a picture because of how hard it was to get the shot or because of what happened before or after the shot was taken.

We often like, or dislike, our work for reasons that go beyond what our viewers will ever know. Through this series of articles, photographers are sharing their stories behind what they feel are their most powerful pictures.

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