About continuous autofocus

by Chris
(Phoenix, AZ)

If I'm shooting sports in burst mode and have continuous autofocus on while still using the shutter button to acquire focus, does it continuously autofocus while holding the shutter button down or do you always somehow need to let the shutter go back up to halfway to acquire focus?? I own a Sony A7 III and want to ask this question but I believe for it to continuously autofocus in burst mode, I'll have to incorporate back button focus. Let me know if you know. Thanks, CW

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Oct 09, 2018

by: Scott

Hey CW, I did a little looking around and, like you, couldn't find a solid answer to your question. But, you already know what to do. Use the back-focus button to ensure you are in focus. I like using the back focus button on Canons. Sorry I wasn't more specific. -Scott

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