Picture Power Quick Shots
5 ways to begin teaching photography to kids

teaching photography to kids

As a parent or homeschooling teacher, you are always looking for new and creative ways to help your kids learn. Teaching photography to kids at an early age establishes the basic skills needed for any kid to take a lifetime of great photos.

Photography is also a great outlet for kids to explore their creativity while also developing an eye for detail and composition. 

Here are 5 fun steps to help your child improve their photography skills today.

Get them a tripod

teaching photography to kids

A tripod is a great way to help your child keep the camera still and avoid blurry photos. It's also a good way to get them used to composing shots and framing subjects.

You can find inexpensive tripods at most stores that sell cameras or electronics.

experiment with different angles

teaching photography to kids

One of the best ways to improve your photography is to experiment with different perspectives and angles.

Encourage your child to move around, try new vantage points, and get close up or far away from their subjects. The more they experiment, the better their eye for composition will become.

Have them practice using the manual settings

teaching photography to kids

If your child has a digital camera, chances are it has a "Auto" mode that makes it easy to take well-exposed pictures without having to worry about the settings.

However, Auto mode does have its limitations and your child will eventually outgrow it. Help them practice using the manual settings (shutter speed, aperture, ISO) so that they can have more control over their images.

Teach them about lighting

teaching photography to kids

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography. Good lighting can make an ordinary photo look amazing, while bad lighting can ruin even the best composition.

Help your child understand how light works and how they can use it to their advantage when taking pictures.

Review their photos with them regularly

teaching photography to kids

One of the best ways to help your child improve as a photographer is to review their photos with them on a regular basis. This doesn't need to be formal or structured; simply sit down with them every week or two and go through the photos they've taken since you last met.

Talk about what they did well and offer constructive criticism on areas where they could improve. By doing this regularly, you'll not only help them become better photographers, but also foster a stronger bond between the two of you. 

teaching photography to kids

Helping your child develop their photography skills can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. With these five steps, you'll be well on your way to raising the next Ansel Adams!

Photography lesson plans pack (Printables)

Jump right into teaching photography with our exclusive Photography Lesson Plans pack.


  • 10 Photography Lesson Plans
  • 1 Teacher's Guide 
  • 3 Photography Study Guides
  • 30-Day Photography Challenge
  • 1 Student Workbook
  • 24 Cut-Out Photo Flash Cards
  • 1 Photo Scavenger Hunt


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